Examples of Student Projects
Here is a small selection of work created by my students, demonstrating their creativity, knowledge and understanding.
Working With Acrylic Paint ~ 16+ Art Scholarship
Irises ~ were painted using acrylics on canvas using cartridge paper.
Portrait ~ using mixed media acrylic and oil wax crayons on canvas.

Motifs ~ These were a textile project for Year 9 working on felt and using a variety of stitching techniques.
Sunflower ~ this was a close up photo of a sunflower, which helped the students to produce a sunflower on a loom using cotton/wool yarn for their scholarship.

Life & Death - Clay Sculptures
Inspired by Micheal Anglo's work ~ 13+ scholarship students used a variety of clay and tools including professional clay tools and punching techniques to create their sculptures.

Day Of The Dead
KS3 art/design/Textile project. The students started with a mood board, researching facts, colours and symbols used for the Day of the Dead skull. Students then created a skull based on their research work using bright colours, shades and tones which led them to try sewing techniques.
Year 7 classes learned how to stitch on paper.
Year 8 (two sets) learned how to stitch using felt material and using cotton fabric, sewing using felt and a variety of stitches and buttons using different sewing techniques for decoration.
We also have a selection of Day of the Dead skulls created using crayons, pencils and drawing pens. The students learned mark-making and shadowing techniques.

Year 9 Students took photos and created their work in lead powder with lead pencil which produces lovely shading for tone for detail. You can see the watercolour butterfly artwork in the display cases at the bottom of this page.

Calligraphy manuscripts using gilding techniques
(museum visit)
Students learned how manuscripts were written on animal skin, learned how to draw using live live drawing techniques, which followed by gouache paint and using real gold leaf for gilding techniques.

The Human Eye
Beautifully detailed eye drawings created in lead powder with lead pencil by Year 10 students for GCSE course work research and topic.

Dancing Ladies
This 16+ Scholarship studen work was based on ladies / girls dancing. The student used lead powder and B5 pencil to add detail, shade and tone. Black in was used to add extra layers for the final touch.

Students working on different topics from maths syllabus.

11+ Common Entrance
For independent and grammar school entrance process, 11+ entrance exams deal with maths, English, nonverbal and verbal papers. These exams check students understanding, logical thinking, grammar, vocabulary and language skills as well as showing mathematical understanding using steps for each question.

Work On Display
13+ and 16+ Art and design Scholarship work on display.
Students learned and worked on different techniques using variety of media of art design and creative technologies from wider areas of art and design, design and technologies and created work with the standard of higher GCSE criteria - fine art, sculpture, product design, photography, textile (wet felting techniques, weaving, sewing, silk painting, batik) and mixed media.
They also used water colour, acrylic and oil paints, chalk and ink to create work, oil wax pastel, variety of drawing pencil and also created work using just lead powder.
The students also explored photographic techniques and learned how lights and dark can leave a massive effect on photos.